Dear my college classmates ‘1njeks1’, happy graduation day! chukkhae^^

Now entering the third year, start from freshmen to our own graduation. We have been through this long journey together from the good and the bad. We are always divided into groups, but it will become one in the end. Actually, college is the most memorable for me because this is a moment where I feel alive. Like seriously! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Tbh,,, since I always go in a special class when I was in school n passed the study with a short time made me feel a lot of things pass very quickly.

At first I was shocked because I have class with 60+++ peoples n makes me pretty frustrating arghh 😦 bcoz I’ve never had a classmate that much as that. Age problems also made me little embarrassed coz I feel that I can’t think mature than you guys do. But as time goes by, all of you taught me many things. U guys not only as a friend but you guys are like my older brothers and older sisters for me ❤

And once again, congratulations for 1njeks1. 1njeks1 is the best!
friends that have not been graduation this month, keep the spirit! Fighting!!! —

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